Saturday, September 26, 2009

My first love letter.

Dear Maker's Mark,

It's Saturday night. I've had a long, stressful week at work. I'm sitting at my computer making a mixed cd for a friend, sipping Maker's made just right, and I decided I must write a love letter.

Apparently I came to visit the Maker's factory in Kentucky when I was very young while on family vacation. It must have stuck with me, because this smooth amber liquid settles my soul and makes me feel at home.

I live a long way away from the West Virginia hills where I grew up, but I can taste the Appalachians in your drink; and when I take a sip, I know everything is going to be all right.

I silently thank you every time I have a drink, but on this night, as the sun sets and I listen to jangly country guitars through my speakers, I want to say it out loud.

Thank you.


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